Telltale games game of thrones forester decree
Telltale games game of thrones forester decree

(Ethan needs a level-head by his side, and his diplomacy is useful) (Margery will not like our future choices (Gared won't let anyone die, especially not his best friend) * Stay with Bowen Gared is not the kind of guy to leave a friend to die if it literally only costs him two seconds t… Anyway, here's what I did in my 'real' playthrough: I know the outcome, but the characters don't. With that being said, I don't look as much on the outcome, but rather on the experience. Ethan is a sweet child, but easily influenced, this will be important later. Gared is a really nice guy, but not the brightest. Asher is unruly and maybe a bit brutal, Rodrik is earnest and strong, but sometimes short tempered, Mira is cunning, but not as cold as most people at King's Landing. In this, I try to give each character a consistent personality. Beforehand, I should maybe note that I have an original playthrough that I don't touch and a 'character' playthrough. Hmmm.I disagree with a lot of these, at least from a narrative standpoint (note, however, that I think that there is no such thing as a ri … more ght playthrough). and it pains me to say this, but I wish you never crawled off that corpse cart." Hate me for it, but it's the bloody truth. you're just a wounded soldier trying to prove he's still a man. "Refusing to kiss Ludd's ring, even though you knew he'd retaliate! Flagrantly defying Gryff, and leaving Ortengryn to pay the price! Taking Royland and the Glenmores to Highpoint, when the day called for diplomacy! And now, getting Arthur killed." So Duncan betraying me, under some delusion of saving the family from what he viewed to be Rodrik's recklessness made complete sense. I even chose to save Ryon in Episode 3 when Duncan wanted me to expel Gryff. I refused to kiss Ludd's ring, starved the Whitehill Garrison, stood up to Gryff, and brought the Glenmores (and Royland) to Highpoint. Everyone was complaining about it so much, and about the traitor scene most of all, but I loved it! Easily one of my favourite scenes in the whole game. It sucked so much for me, coming onto the forums after finishing Episode 5.

Telltale games game of thrones forester decree